BiSL®: Business Information Services Library - Management Guide

Paperback | Engels | 1970
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BiSL®: Business Information Services Library - Management Guide
Effective management of business information is critically important for modern organizations. The Business Information Systems Library (BiSL) is a generic framework which provides an effective solution for business information management. BiSL is a public domain standard which is consistent with ITIL and ASL.
This management guide is an easy to use guide about the how and why of the Framework BiSL, Business Information Service Library, that is governed by the ASL BiSL Foundation. It describes the best way to manage and execute business information management in day-to-day practice, and how BiSL can be of use with this. To illustrate the implementation of BiSL, a separate case history is being evolved throughout the text.

Supports EXIN BiSL Exams
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DomainsBusiness Management
Publication date5 okt 2007
AuthorRemko van der Pols, Yvette Backer

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